Thursday, February 28, 2008

Hippo Birdie Two Ewes

Its the 12th anniversary of my humans 29th birthday.

Gotta love the hair.... :-)

Only the best of bones,


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I spy...

I wanna run...

I did get to practice going in the starting box and in between I waited in the car. But I really wanted to run more. I get to run again this weekend and hopefully not have to wait too much in the car or my pup-pop tent.

Only the best of bones,


Monday, February 25, 2008

Racers of the future

These little 12 week old whippet puppies were also watching the races. They were very friendly and wanted to play with me, but they were in their ex-pen so we could only whine together, though my human did get kisses.
Only the best of bones,

Sunday, February 24, 2008


While the dogs were running these friendly horses were watching. Only hope they enjoyed the show.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Trying new things..

My human and I went to Roy, WA to try a new type of racing. First you have to go in a box, with the doors closed and the "bunny" is just outside the box. Then the door opens and you run as fast as you can after the bunny. It only goes straight or in an oval. I went in and out of the box a couple of times and chase the bunny too. I like it okay but not as much as lure coursing. But my whippet friends...they REALLY like it. So here are some photos my human took of everything going on. It was a good day with the sun shining and everyone happy.
Only the best of bones,

Saturday, February 16, 2008

It's been a hard days night...

I've been working like a dog...wait...I am a dog. And while I was not really working...I was running!!!
This weekend I've been lure coursing in Auburn. I have one more day (tomorrow). I did good today, I did catch the bunny at the end, and came in 2nd after a three way tie for 1st. I really, REALLY like to run but it is even better to come home to a nice fire in the woodstove and my bed with my down blankie. LOVE my blankie!!! Now to dream of the bunnies I chased and of the bunnies I get to chase tomorrow.

Hope all of you have had a good weekend, and got to do what you like as well.

Only the best of bones,


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hey Bob...

I'll keep them distracted while you look for the battery cables....

Cables??? All I see are a bunch of wires!!! What's a battery????

waiting for spring...

With the weather being wet and cold, my human was looking through the photos of flowers taken over the years. We are both waiting patiently for spring...but it's hard. So here is a reminder of what it looks like.

Only the best of bones,


Monday, February 11, 2008

The ultimate: Proud Mary

My human and I watched the Grammys just to see Tina Turner. My human LOVES Tina. My human saw Tina in concert twice. Once opening for Lionel Richie then in 2000 when he opened for her. This is from the 2000 concert. But last night, at the age of 68, Tina looks and sings just as good. I didn't think much of the others but I liked watching her...lots of music and movement...but no bunnies.
Only the best of bones,

Sunday, February 10, 2008

It's all about the bunny...

These are from my coursing (bunny chasing) in Hollister, CA. My human and I have Jackie Phillips to thank for the great photos of me. It is really, really hard for my human to take pictures of me running when she has to release my lead. So thank you Jackie for your great work. I can't wait to go running again next weekend.

Only the best of bones,

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Fur and Feathers

One the last trip my human and I there were elk and ring tail hawks. I did stomp my feet and snort like the elk and then hid. Where I lure course there are elk, so I know to stay away from them. But they are such fun to see.