Friday, October 17, 2008

Williamsburg animals

I'm still trying to figure out how this Squirrel hangs by his back feet. The sheep...I really wanted to play with them. But I just had to watch them eat.

Only best bones,

Colonial Williamsburg

While my human and I were waiting for the car to be repaired, we walked around Colonial Williamsburg. While it is a bit more "cutesy" for my human's liking. There was lots for me to see and smell. Lots of horses, and some oxen that I was just not too sure of. Though I did meet several sheep that were nice, but my human would not allow me to play with them.

Only the best of bones,

Thursday, October 16, 2008

More of Jamestowne

I know...more photos from Jamestowne. Boy did my human went camera happy or what. But I have to admit we did spend a whole day there so that says a lot for why so many photos.

It was an amazing place to realize that this place. This small a little over one acre triangle was the start of the United States. That over 400 yrs so much is still being learned about a small triangle fort.

Only the best of bones,

This was one of the burial sites found. Some bodies were dated 1607-1608. Just before the "starving time".

A pipe bowl, and other artifacts.

The marker of where the body of who is believed to have been Captain Gosnold was found. The people are still trying to DNA type the body to make sure it was him. But so far everything is pointing in that direction.
One of the fort walls.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Jamestowne flowering trees

I don't know what this tree is but it was really pretty and the bark peeled off like a madrona. One of purple the other pink. Both were too high for me to smell the flowers but I did try. Then got laughed at by a squirrel who was in the tree.

Only the best of bones,

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


On our trip to Gettysburg we stayed in Williamsburg, VA and went to Jamestowne. Took a nice tour with the archiologist who found the original fort. He was very nice and I saw the people digging and REALLY wanted to help but was told I couldn't. Damn...needed thumbs they said. I met some nice people, and a few animals along the way including this cat.
Only the best of bones,

New cat friend...didn't want to get too close but watched me the who time.

LOTS of fun smells near this fence...

Where the people were digging. we were told they were digging what the people think is one of the governor's homes.

Here si where they believe is part of a fireplace. This is dated to after 1607 and more likely around 1610.

Monday, October 13, 2008

monument at Shiloh

My human and I found this while walking along the battlefields. It is sobering a beautiful at the same time.
Only the best of bones,

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Shiloh battlefield

After dropping off my grandma in Oklahoma my human and I stopped at many different places on our way to Gettysburg. One place was the Shiloh battlefield. It was really hard for me. Some of the places there I didn't want to be near. kept feeling uneasy. I had to same feeling at the Gettysburg battlefields, and Lincoln's tomb. Just too many spirits or something. But my human did find the bottom photo interesting. a bit of peace amongst the war toys. If nature can figure this out, I wish the rest of the human race would.
Only the best of bones,

Saturday, October 11, 2008


We went to the Petroglyth National Park in New Mexico. It was nice to get out and walk around. I really wanted to chase the 2 rabbits and three squirrels I saw. But was only allowed to get a little close the the lizard below. And he was too fast to chase.

Only the best of bones,

Friday, October 10, 2008

Arches National Park

One my grandma's favorite stops was Arches National Park in Utah. It was really pretty with the rock formations. Here is a small sample of what we saw. Though along the way we did see 6 black burros but my human was driving at the time and could not get a photo of them.

Only the best of bones.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Where in the US is Nigel??

My human and I have been on a long trip. The main destination was Gettysburg for the RRCUS (Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of the US) National Specialty show. I went there to lure course with the BIG dogs, and to take my CGC (Canine Good Citizen) and TDI (Therapy Dog International) test, which I passed with flying colors.

Along the way we stopped at many places. My grandma came too for part of the trip. It was GREAT fun traveling with her. I got spoiled and it was fun waking her up with my nose on her feet, and tail wagging.

One of the places we stopped at is Canyon de Chelly in Arizona. My human and I had been there last year, and returned again. It is such a peaceful place. And so much to see.

Only the best of bones,

Smiles from the canyon rim.

Boy....that is a long way down. Wow...what a nice much to see and smell.