Monday, October 15, 2007


It has been a day of rest for me and work for my human. I have my own bed under her desk at her office and I get to sleep, or look out the window at the trees. Sometimes I see crows outside the window. I don't care much for crows. But today was for rest. On Saturday I did my very first lure coursing trial. I got to chase the "Bunny" twice and it was great! Running in the sun with my friends...there is nothing better for a sighthound. I was soo happy and so wsa my human. She really loves to watch me and my friends run and play. I won first place and a 5point major for my AKC titles. I'm still not sure what all that means but I and my human don't really care about that. We just love to be outside and be together.

My human and I work really well together. She works days and I work nights. My job is to help keep her safe when she sleeps. See my human...when she is sleeping...sometimes she will try and walk, run or get out of the house...but she's still sleeping. It is called sleep-walking and for her it is really dangerous. Before I came along, she got in the car and drove to the store, and she fell down the stairs and hurt herself. Now, since I'm here and I help she can't leave. We are so close I can tell before she moves if she's going to try and leave then I make noise and wake her up. Sometimes...I'll lick her ear...I really like to do that. I give her kisses and she wakes up. Then she gives me a hug and we go to sleep again. It is hard work what I do. I know my human knows it is, but other humans don't seem to get it. They just think I'm a dog...but I'm more than that. I keep my human safe, happy, and isn't that what we all want. No matter if we are dogs or humans. We just want to be happy and have a safe place to put our heads down at night. Right now I have my head on my human's leg while she types. this is my favorite place. I can feel the warmth of her body next to mine and it makes me feel safe. Later I'll have her type more about how I got to choose her and go live with her. But in the mean time I'm sleepy and know I have to work soon so will just lay here and enjoy my safe place.

I hope you all enjoy your safe places too and remember there are many other animals and human who need safe places, so if you have the space to open your home and heart think about helping to make a safe space for one or both.

Only the best of bones,
Nigel (woof)

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