Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Where in the US is Nigel??

My human and I have been on a long trip. The main destination was Gettysburg for the RRCUS (Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of the US) National Specialty show. I went there to lure course with the BIG dogs, and to take my CGC (Canine Good Citizen) and TDI (Therapy Dog International) test, which I passed with flying colors.

Along the way we stopped at many places. My grandma came too for part of the trip. It was GREAT fun traveling with her. I got spoiled and it was fun waking her up with my nose on her feet, and tail wagging.

One of the places we stopped at is Canyon de Chelly in Arizona. My human and I had been there last year, and returned again. It is such a peaceful place. And so much to see.

Only the best of bones,

Smiles from the canyon rim.

Boy....that is a long way down. Wow...what a nice much to see and smell.

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